Friday, January 6, 2017

The Errors of My Ways~ Series Part 3: A Genealogy Do-Over File_Naming

So, here we are a week into the New Year!

First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

File_Naming on my hard drive updates:

I am proud to report that I have accomplished a lot since I first began this daunting task!  I am not near to being done, however I am more than half way to being done with this project!  I did have a few minor set backs again- but all good.
Having a To-Do List (word doc) helped out a lot, because I kept it pinned on my desktop.

When I begin to open the file that held the batches, I also opened up the to-do list.
This To-Do List is already 2-pages long.  I still have about 400-500 files to re-name.  This isn't counting all the photos I have on my hard drive!
Yikes! When I get to that.. aye aye aye!

This process has taught me a lot.  I have re-discovered something about my maternal grandmother.  Her birth year was always a mystery, until I was re-naming her family Census record and took a closer look at it, and found that her birth year was more accurate on the census than it was guessed to be.  My grandmother was applying for her delayed birth certificate in 1975, but was in a horrible fatality accident which claimed her and her friend's lives, and the process was never completed. She was in the process of applying for either her CDIB (Certified Degree Indian Blood) card or a job.  I was only 7-years old when she was killed.

So, what does my files look like now?

Here is a "before" picture:

 A HUGE mess! I couldn't even retrieve any files this way, let alone find it! I had no way of knowing what I had in my file folder or how many "copies" I had downloaded over time!
Over time, I would backup my files and put them on any new desktop or laptop I bought, as well as any added new or not new (already downloaded) records onto the lastest device. 

Here is the "after" picture

Now, with a much more better files naming system, I can see what records I have on any ancestors, and I can do a search in the search box and it will give me what I need and not what I think I meant. Right now, I have one "Master" folder under my maternal line, and one for my paternal line. Once I am finish with all the files, I will begin to create a folder for each surname and attach their records by linking it the ancestor's name.  That is the plan, however, it may change, as I figure out what will work best for me. I will let you know how it works out in an update post once I am finish.  Until then, I hope this has been helpful in case you are facing the same issue!

All Photos are copyrighted, you do not have permission to use without written permission from me.
Please ask if you would like to use as an example and link back to my blog post. Thank You!

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Errors of My Ways~ Series Part 2: A Genealogy Do-Over File_Naming

Update- 2 weeks later.....

I didn't get any work in my do-over.  Had a little set back, but now I am on the mend and was thinking of trying to do some more re-naming and organizing this weekend.  I am feeling much better than before.  Asthma seems to be in control and lungs are clearing and getting stronger with the exercises I was told to do. While I was away from the computer during my illness... I did some creative thinking.. I came up with an idea for a furture post... Stay tune for that one... =)

In the meantime... will be tackling the small batches I created... let the organization begin! =)

Well, here we are in the middle of September! Just to update:

The naming files was going great until it came to a halt :( these last few weeks I have been sick.. I was hospitalized from 9-6 to 9-11.  I had caught pneumonia and I am still battling it :(

So, instead of doing a big batch.. I will be doing mini batches... which is ok.. I am in no hurry, because this is no race to win... I have two battles I am trying to win.. my pneumonia and asthma... Once I win these two battles, I will climb that high mountain peak and then overcome the piles of the messy file names =)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Errors of My Ways~ Series Part 1: A Genealogy Do-Over File_Naming

I was looking for a file the other day only to find myself feeling frustrated, because I couldn't find it!  This made me really think and re-examine my naming system I had going.  Then it hit me... I  really needed to just sit on my hands and really set aside ALL researching -others genealogy, web-browsing, etc (business is exempt).

I have decided to go back to square one and begin the task of renaming my files on my laptop the way it should be.  I am using a naming filing system as it was suggested by Christine Sisko Svircev, who is also a member in Thomas McEntee's Facebook group called Genealogy Do-Over Facebook group.  Back in May I was asking for suggestions on how to do the name a file on the computer.  I had gotten several good suggestions, however Christine's system seemed easy enough to remember.  I had put my naming task on the back burner for almost 3 months now.  Mainly life got in the way, and I had family come in from California. So.. after I had a hard time finding the file, I begin to put several folders in a group, then sorted the folders into 3 categories;

CAT 1 are files that were already named, but just needed to put them in the right ordered or add a few information that was missing.  My parents each have a folder.  Right now I am working on my dad's folder, because I have done about 28+ yrs worth of research.  On my mom's family, I haven't done much research and once I get everything in order it won't take me that long to do.  My dad's side of the family is a huge file.

My old way was like this: DOC_SMITH_John_BC_1925_Texas

Now the New Way is:

SURNAME_Name_Name of Document_Date of Birth_County_City/Town_State_Where I got the information

Example for Birth:


Example for Census:


(OL = Online)
I will work this Folder Until all documents are correctly named and then onto CAT 2.

CAT 2  are files that were label need to research (not sure why, but I think it was because I needed to do source citation for them?) I will be labeling them as to what they are, and create a doc or spreadsheet for the sources (more on this later).

CAT 3 are files that need to be sorted out (separated from dad's or mom's family line)

This will probably take me all of September to do, so I will say I am getting a head start on this <smiles>
The lesson of the error of my ways? I have learn that I must be consistence in the naming file system and do not take the easy way out because it leaves me working harder not smarter AND this leaves me exhausted <smh>

Friday, August 26, 2016

Genealogy Do Over : Update

Time has a way of getting away from us... well from me anyways ha!

So anyways, how is my Genealogy Do Over going?  Well, I have been working on it Slowly, however I am making progress!  I am still in the process of going through my files on my laptop, but I have not added any files other than my what I need to add for my clients.  I haven't worked on my great grandmother in a while now.. every now and then, I do look at what I already have and create research logs, timelines, citations, etc.
     Not all but some of paper files have been digitized.  I am still working my father's line.  I would say about 85% is done.  I will probably be getting back to scanning after Labor Day weekend.  I am enjoying the last bit of summer.  In the mean time, I am currently working a little batch at a time, getting my files on my laptop renamed, and organized in a way that it makes sense for me. 
    I have been attending to a lot of webinars or watching them at a later time if I can't make it online to attend. I have also been listening to a lot of genealogy podcasts episodes, especially Genealogy Gems by Lisa Louise Cooke.  Taking stock for later when I am able to work on my own family line.  At the moment I am working on a case, finishing up crocheting a blanket before winter sets in, and dealing with the mess I made with all my "collections of documents" in an organized fashion.  
    Oh and I forgo the Genealogy Journal for now. Somehow I got busy with other things it hasn't made the list yet. I was going to do a genealogy journal in Bullet Journal style. I find that I can get a lot done if I don't think about the BIG task and stay focus on the smaller task AND stay true to the "No" more collecting "evidence" until the laptop is cleared from duplicates, all files are renamed and in its right folder and not in multiple folders.  
      I plan on buying Thomas McEntee book The Genealogy Do-Over WorkbookI am sure this will help me a lot!
You can read the first Genealogy Do Over blog here

I am learning how to use Google Docs, Sheets, forms etc... 
I learned how to use Coggle, which I never heard of until I watched DearMyrtle Wacky Wednesday on youtube.  

Disclaimer Notice: I provided links to Genealogy Gems, Amazon for Thomas McEntee's book, Coggle, and DearMyrtle because I like what they have to offer to enrich one's research and life.  I am not being compensated by anyone for providing the link just paying it forward =)


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Busting down the Brickwalls

Image courtesy of paisan191 at (brick wall)
Even though I haven't solved the mystery yet, I must say that I discovered a pattern along the way!
I have eliminated one set of Pearson living in 2 counties in New York.  I did this by finding a cemetery record that implicated the wife's maiden name.  After doing additional quick searches, I was able to determine this was not the right family I needed to find.  This could have deflated my research, but quite the opposite.  It geared me up for the next ride.  Then I found another family that had lived primarily in Westchester County, New York.  The father (William) moved to Ontario, Canada with his daughter sometime after she got married to a William Walsh.  I still  have to confirm this is the right family by using other resources.  BUT, I was able to see some bricks knocked out!  Which is a victory for me at the moment!

Mystery #2

My great-grandmother Clara Mitchell, she is a lady of mystery that has always intrigue me for many years!   She was born in 1911 in Henryetta, Oklahoma.  Her mother is Missouri Cole (a Native American descendant) and her father is Benjamin Mitchell.  Great-grandma Clara got married at the age of 16.  The family tale has it that her father waged his daughter Clara in a poker game and lost.  She "had to marry" John Andrew Boykin, a Texas man who happen to be in town.  It is a tale.. that can be neither prove or disproved at the moment.  Gr. Grandma Clara began to have babies (18 children in all)... only 13 lived past the age of 8 months.  When I first began to research my gr. grandmother Clara in the late 80s, I didn't have a lot to go on.  When I was able to connect to the internet... The Tangled Web She Weaved! ....

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Searching....... and Searching.......

Will the Right William please Stand UP!

William Henry Pearson is my pain in the butt case these last few months... I have agreed to take on a case, and I must say this is a very tough one next to my own great grandmother Clara Mitchell!

 I know I have done every possible search I can online (well not every, but still searching)... only thing left to do is go to NY.... a road trip does sound nice. The problem is this guy is the ancestor who was born about 1841ish and has a son named William... one would expect to find him located in the 1860 census or the 1870 and 1880..... trouble is there is a multiplying of Pearson's during the 1800's between the US and England.... everyone decided to name their children William! and... just when I have "followed" the right one... trail goes cold.

So.. I am currently going to use the FAN club and see where this leads me... hopefully to the RIGHT William and I can finally lay this case to rest ... well at least until I can find him and move on to the next goal... his parents... So, What is the FAN club?

Friends-Family, Associates and Neighbors = FAN .. a term Elizabeth Shown Mills has coined in order to be able to break through those brick walls.... you begin to look outside of the family dynamic-  your ancestors friends, in-laws and outlaws (smiles), associates- business, sports, or clubs, and finally their neighbors... next door neighbors of where they lived or work.  I hope his FAN club will help me locate him and my great grandmother!! I so want to solve this mystery .... especially my great grandmother Clara... I can locate her in the 1920's and 1930's US Census but can not find her in the 1940's US Census as of yet.... more on her later .. I promise! =)

William Pearson is not an ancestor of mine but of a friend of mine and she laughs every time I tell her that he is a tough one to locate! She has tried for years to locate her very stubborn 3x great grandfather and, so now because we are very close friends, he has become my pain in the butt 3x great grandfather.... maybe once I break down that brick wall and find him... all things are possible and I shall find my great grandmother Clara!  Someone once told me that if you want to find something or someone ... hide it or s(he) in plain sight  .... hmmmm

Plain sight huh? Census records- War records- death records- marriage records- Newspaper articles- just to name a few records I am searching in....where o where is William the 11th or is it the 10th?? Yeah you read right!... his father's name is William as his son and his son's son.....

The Search Continues...................

Monday, April 18, 2016

Life Happens!

I haven't been active in blogging because life got in the way a bit.  I picked up scanning my father's paternal side now... this won't take me long to do because there isn't a lot to scan. (A lot meaning less than 200 images) I have also been busy with a lot of other things and haven't been able to do any researching (at least any digging) I still have to finish my projects I started in my GDO (Genealogy Do-Over) - scanning, sorting files, renaming files, etc.

I notice my bookmarks on my Firefox browser needs a Do-Over! I seriously need to sort that out and organize asap! before I add any more.. geez!

I also decided to try and go paperless and scan receipts... I started this in January, but things got hectic for me in Feb-Mar and haven't been able to scan. I sorted out my receipts over the weekend for when I get ready to scan at least they will be in order!

Can't wait to go fishing again! Wonder if I can find a court document I have been looking for, or if, I will be able to find my great grandma Clara's "infamous" roll number.  I will have to make a post another time and introduce my great grandma Clara =)
Until then,
Happy Geneahunting!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hitting a Brick Wall

I have suddenly went missing from my blog and other things... I seemed to have hit a brick wall not in my research but in life in general. I am thinking about moving this blog over to my other one had created many months before this but haven't published yet.

I am currently still in the first phase of my genealogy do-over.  I had stopped for a bit because it got too overwhelming and I tend to take on more than I can handle or do too much and hit what I call a burnout plateau... that's where I search and search and search or I work until the tasks are all done... I set my task limit too high.  I need to learn how to set my task limits small and complete them and set another task limit until I reach the end of the goal.

I have also been thinking about how my genealogy bujo should be.. I haven't created it yet but this should be interesting and it will definitely help with my daunting tasks issues.

 I came up with this design to help me along the way :

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Time Management; Where did the time go?

Learning time management is hard especially when you are on the hunt and coming close to finding that one piece of the puzzle that will break open many doors!  We all have been there at one time or another. I know I am no exception to the rule... I am so guilty, guilty guilty when it comes to managing my time during research, especially if I have nothing else pressing me at the moment.
Since hitting the Do-Over button, I have been thinking about Time Management in a way that will work for me.  I came up with a semi- solution (it is still in its infancy stage to call it a working status)
Before anything set your timer! (set to 1 hr) Before I press the "Start" button, I want to make sure (not necessary in this order).

1. The animals are taken care of (outside business).

2. Make sure the house is cleaned and the office is organized and everything I need is in front of me: 

        a) Index Cards (this is my note pad)
        b) Pens/Pencils/Erasers/thumb drive
        c) OneNote (for my ToolBox ) <---- This is where I hold all my "stuff" for researching; anything from Tips to Citing my sources template, as well as  the place I put all my go to sites. 
        d) Any essentials  that I will need to get this research underway without any interruptions.

 3.  I must make sure for the first hour of research that I will not be adding any unnecessary collections  to my pc (I am bad about this... hmmm this gave me an idea for another post) to prevent duplication, I will make sure I have a list handy to compare it with the "new" findings.

4.   I will need to make sure that I have my mind clear and focus on the task I have set forth for the day.  I plan on doing this on a daily basis so that it becomes the first thing I do above all and that my mind isn't all over the place even if I am not researching.  This is my biggest time cruncher.

5. The last thing but not least, I am sure the list will continually grow as I do as time goes on, is that once the timer is set... Don't rush into a race against myself.  Michael Altshuler said it better than I could....

 In terms of genealogy, I am the pilot.  I believe I can get a lot done, if I can just learn my own weakness in loss of time and productiveness in my own research.  When I am working the case for other people, I  emerge myself in my research and get it done right and in a timely manner, but when I am researching my own family, I tend to repeat, repeat and repeat in a cat chasing its own tail episode and I fall into a lot of pitfalls of the do not's .  I am planning on changing that as we speak (or read.. smiles).  I am on a time management mission... Time to hit the Start button and happy hunting!

Renee ~~ 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over? What is this??

I have been away from blogging due to having surgery in July, but I am back now. I probably shouldn't have started blogging before surgery because now I am on this mission of Genealogy Do-Over and among other things =)

I have just "jumped" right in and begin my Do-Over without a plan at first. I wasn't doing my research because I was prepping for surgery, so I had already "set aside" my research. After surgery, I wasn't able to do anything just yet until about the 3 rd week when I begin to use my laptop a little more. Even though I was tempted to look up a few names, I remain true to "setting aside" my research and begin to read others posts and blogs about how they are doing their do-overs.  I am still all over the map when it comes to trying to take on the assignments. I started at the beginning with Cycle 1 Week 1 as my starting base, but I got lost in the technicality of it and sort of "skipped" the b) Preparing to Research, and c) Establishing Base Practices and Guidelines part of the assignment and jumped right into the Self- Interview part... probably because I didn't have a full understanding of how one Prepare to Research. I just usually jump right into it (you may think I am a professional jumper lol, rest assure you I am not (=  ) But this has made me step back a bit and think about how do I prepare myself to research? I am a night owl so my nights are my days in some ways. Depends on what I have going. I don't have a job I go to. I am trying to get my Online Genealogy business off the ground. A few minor set backs but, I will bounce back. Another Post about that later but for now....

A few things I did to prepare to research are:
1.   I decide who's side I am going to research today.
2.   Start a new page for the intended target ancestor (usually it is my great grandmother on my father's side.)
3.   Locate my other notes and see what is missing (in my head, I already know what is missing)
4.   Begin to search sites such as, or, to name a few.
5.   Search and search until I feel like I am chasing a leaf that won't stay still long enough for me to  pick it up for me to examine it.

The new approach:

I am now going to do a new approach on how I do my research.  I haven't been doing it wrong just haven't been doing it right by taking the lazy approach. I now realize that I was actually working harder and not smarter when it came to my own family research.  Put me in a business mode, I do it by the book.

So... I am now going to prepare my research by making sure I am in my Genealogy Business Mode and have all my "tools" handy ie; notepad, pens/pencils, OneNote open ready to go for most of my note taking needs. I will set a timer to take a break from the research. Before, I just researched until it was time to do other things. My old ways of researching will be changing. Once I begin to research, I will be using Research Log and any other research tools to make this go as smooth as it can be... it is hard enough to hit a "brick wall" in your research, let alone forget about all the other sources out there to help out in the research.  I also plan on using a Genealogy Journal Book ( something similar to Bullet Journal) to help me stay focus and make sure I am still on track. I still have to set that one up. I fell behind in everything while I was in recovery mode, so I am playing catch up one step at a time. I will be backing all this research up with my external hard drives (2) and my OneDrive.
While I was in recovery, I had the chance to go through my laptop files and sort out MOST of my files by renaming the file and putting it in its new file folder.  I still have a long ways to go on this one because I am also scanning all my genealogy notes over the last 28+ years. I have my father's mother side scanned, renamed, filed and backed up. This was my largest file. But most of all I will be Citing all my sources correctly for past and current documents I have or will obtained! I saved this last because it is important to do next to backing up your files!

So my way of thinking may be out of sorts or as I like to put it "all over the map", I intend to try and tame that mind of mine but key word here is try because even though I tend to gravitate toward BSO (Bright Shiny Objects).... I am a researcher at heart.. not just Genealogy but different things. I am always searching the web for ways make my life more organize or ways to re-purpose things or just searching the web in general.

I have some more thinking to do as far as coming up with more GUIDELINES to follow so that I won't be all over the map and be able to break down that Brick WALL of my great-grandmother on my father's side. That would be a dream come true for me !!

So......... Who is ready to HIT The Reset Button?? If you are interested in wanting to Do-Over your Genealogy Research in a new approach.. Just hit the reset button by Clicking on the link underneath the button and Join in on the fun.  I promise you it will give you new insights to what and how or even where you really need this in your genealogy research life. You must be thinking... Start over as in from scratch? YES, it is doable and even rewarding =)  You won't have to spend any extra money for the documents you have obtained from previous research... just need to keep them accessible for ONLY when it comes time to use it as a "proof".  So if you do decide to begin a Genealogy Do-Over... be sure to join Thomas MacEntee's Facebook Group: Genealogy Do-Over.  This group is phenomenal. There are many other groups that go hand in hand with this GDO ^ so be sure to become active in those as well. Happy Do-Over!

Genealogy Do-Over Begins Here!

Renee ~~

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

While in Recovery, I discovered.....

 I had to have a major surgery on July 22, 2015 and have since been home from the hospital on July 24, 2015.  While I have been home, my genealogy files awaits for me to finish sorting through the paternal and maternal family lines. I am staple bound at the moment and can't lift the file boxes and or carry multiple files and the thought of carrying one file at a time is tiresome =) So....
Since I have so much time on my hands and too many thoughts rambling in my head this is what I have discovered:
  • I discovered that it has been hard to do any researching but reading others blogs, posts, and see vacation pictures of others.  I have been doing a lot of thinking about how I would like to begin my search again with fresh eyes. 
  • I discovered that I missed out on a lot of "goodies" back to school special, but I have a plan set in motion for next year!
  • I discovered Bullet Journaling and how it can be used for genealogists/researchers =) I will share pictures later once I am done with designing the templates.
  • I have became obsessed (in my mind) of all the places I am going to visit to prove or disprove a fact of an ancestor.
  • I am also seeing a lot of recipes that I want to go into the kitchen and whipped up but sighs..
  • Which lead me to thinking about a Family Cookbook I wanted to everyone to participate in my family many years back.  To hand out at my expense ... all they had to do was fill out the forms I provided and 2 recipes... sighs.. that didn't pan out. Maybe I will try again... Only this time do it differently?
  • Last but not least, I have discovered that these stitches needs to come out already! =)
 This is only a partial list =)
Like I said way too much time on my hands.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I love my brother <3

When I came to after surgery my brother surprised me with a picture:
Photo taken by Darrell Amerson
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
July 23, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Since July 5-10 I had family visiting from California. It was sad to see them leave because we grew up together.
My brother came out to be with me and my mom during my surgery today.  He leaves on Thursday. I wish I had more time with him.  We did ahemm he located Mr. Ed's final resting place here in Tahlequah.  Mr. Ed was the talking horse show from the 60's I believe. It is said that after his Hollywood stunt, he retired in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. After my recovery from surgery, I am hoping to get a picture of his monument.
Until then.... have a good day :)