Time has a way of getting away from us... well from me anyways ha!
So anyways, how is my Genealogy Do Over going? Well, I have been working on it Slowly, however I am making progress! I am still in the process of going through my files on my laptop, but I have not added any files other than my what I need to add for my clients. I haven't worked on my great grandmother in a while now.. every now and then, I do look at what I already have and create research logs, timelines, citations, etc.
Not all but some of paper files have been digitized. I am still working my father's line. I would say about 85% is done. I will probably be getting back to scanning after Labor Day weekend. I am enjoying the last bit of summer. In the mean time, I am currently working a little batch at a time, getting my files on my laptop renamed, and organized in a way that it makes sense for me.
I have been attending to a lot of webinars or watching them at a later time if I can't make it online to attend. I have also been listening to a lot of genealogy podcasts episodes, especially Genealogy Gems by Lisa Louise Cooke. Taking stock for later when I am able to work on my own family line. At the moment I am working on a case, finishing up crocheting a blanket before winter sets in, and dealing with the mess I made with all my "collections of documents" in an organized fashion.
Oh and I forgo the Genealogy Journal for now. Somehow I got busy with other things it hasn't made the list yet. I was going to do a genealogy journal in Bullet Journal style. I find that I can get a lot done if I don't think about the BIG task and stay focus on the smaller task AND stay true to the "No" more collecting "evidence" until the laptop is cleared from duplicates, all files are renamed and in its right folder and not in multiple folders.
I plan on buying Thomas McEntee book The Genealogy Do-Over Workbook. I am sure this will help me a lot!
You can read the first Genealogy Do Over blog here
I am learning how to use Google Docs, Sheets, forms etc...
I learned how to use Coggle, which I never heard of until I watched DearMyrtle Wacky Wednesday on youtube.
Disclaimer Notice: I provided links to Genealogy Gems, Amazon for Thomas McEntee's book, Coggle, and DearMyrtle because I like what they have to offer to enrich one's research and life. I am not being compensated by anyone for providing the link just paying it forward =)
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